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Monday, January 3, 2011

2011: New Beginnings

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Ever read that verse and thought to yourself: “I wish” or “that would be nice”?

For me, I saw some aspects of my life that reflected Christ’s power to make me a new creation, but far too often I saw little more than the same old self.

I thought that I had given my life and will over to the care and control of Christ, but I came to learn that I was only trusting that his sacrifice would be enough to cover my sins. I was still holding on to my will to make it day to day. I was trying to do HIS job for him and therefore never saw the change and renewal that I was longing for in my life.

Today, I’ve truly learned how to let Jesus be my savior and not just in the big picture. Jesus is my Savior day to day. In moments of temptation, I’ve learned that HE has the power to help me overcome. He rescues me. And in moments of failure, when before I would fall into depression, shame and fear: HE extends the love and grace I need to get back on the path. He’s also there to comfort me, guide me and even keep me humble in moments of victory.

It’s through experiencing Christ’s power in these and other ways that I’ve truly been able to see myself as a new creation. The old Nate has faded away.

New Years is obviously a time when a lot of people are seeking new beginnings. Maybe it’s because people tend to look back on the closing year and see nothing but missed opportunities. Maybe the stress of the holidays is just enough to push people to the point to where see the need for change.

Celebrate Recovery is a great place to find encouragement and support for the positive changes you want to make in your life. Each and every Friday night brothers and Sisters, from all walks of life, are experiencing what it means to leave the old self behind and experience new life in Christ.

If you are looking for that sense of renewal in any area of your life, I’d encourage you to visit CR during the month of January.

Grateful Believer,

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