Welcome to CR@MRCC!

Welcome! Join us each Friday evening at MRCC in Fellowship Central. Dinner starts at 6:00 and worship starts at 7:00. We look forward to seeing you!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Meet the TEAM & Principle 1

Hi, I'm Karyn. I'm a grateful believer in Jesus.

I serve as an A on the CR TEAM at MRCC (wow, that's a lot of acronyms). A stands for Assimilation, which means I help with promotion of Celebrate Recovery to the members of our CR program, to the church, to the community and to the world. (The world? Yikes, that's a little overwhelming.)

Over the next few weeks you'll meet each TEAM member from MRCC. The word TEAM is an acrostic and each letter stands for a different role. I know, I know you're shocked - it's another acrostic. As you meet the team you'll also be introduced to each of the 8 CR principle's. You'll learn a little more about us, and how the principles impacted our recoveries.

The 8 principals are broken down through yet another acrostic spelling out the word RECOVERY.

The R of Recovery stands for Realize.

Principle 1  Realize I'm not God. I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and that my life is unmanageable.

When I came to CR I was broken, scared, weak, angry, confused and there was no way God was going to use this Friday night program "CR" to change my life. I didn't WANT to be there.  I had been very critical of the program in the past based on friends & family that had attended and when I heard people talk about CR I cringed and thought, "Here we go again, another story about Celebrate Recovery, blah, blah, blah!"

I went ahead and continued to come each week and my counselor told me I needed to join a step study.  Oh great, more CR...I was less than thrilled.  I joined the step study and felt like I would never connect with these strangers.  I didn't like it at all.  BUT, once again God's plan was so much greater, bigger and better than mine! God was using this step study to change me. 

It was like my life was a box of puzzle pieces that had been dumped out on the floor and I was picking up pieces and seeing how they needed to fit together.  Once I started to see pieces fitting together, it clicked.  For the first time I was seeing all the patterns of my childhood, adolescence, teen years, dating years, and my life as a grown women come together, why I had acted out like I had, and what I had to do to change so I could be the woman Christ intended me to be, not who I thought I was! 

Principal 1 guided me through most of my first step study and I would say it over and over: Realize I'm not God; I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable.   My life was unmanageable!  I was exhausted from trying to cover up all my lies and tired of trying to be someone I wasn't.   God had used my step study to show me that!  I loved the healing and understanding I received through my step study, and never missed one meeting!

I'm now co-leading my second step study.  Not only did God use this program to change my life He also lead me down a path of service to give back to the program in a way I never knew I would.  Funny how God's plans work, huh? Me, the sarcastic one - once annoyed with CR - now serving on the TEAM.  His plan is so much better.

God is good.

Grateful Believer,


1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm late to thank you for this post, Karyn. Your transparency is blessing me and so many more people!
