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Welcome! Join us each Friday evening at MRCC in Fellowship Central. Dinner starts at 6:00 and worship starts at 7:00. We look forward to seeing you!

Monday, November 28, 2011

What are you thankful for?

I had a bad day.  It was July 13, 2011.  The whole day wasn’t bad really, just long and by the time we got to our rooms I was in a bad mood.  I was tired, ate dinner later than normal, and was cranky.  We were on our CR trip to Honduras and had a morning of manual labor and then CR workshops.
When Micah and I got back to our room I unloaded all of my “problems”.  He listened and then asked me, “What are you thankful for?”

I don’t know if you are like me, but when I am venting the last thing I want to do is focus on what I am thankful for.  And if I do manage to think about some things I am thankful for I have a special ability to turn that into something to vent about too.  “Yeah, I have great friends, but….”

It’s all about our perspective isn’t it?  That night in Honduras while we were eating dinner two small boys came in begging for food.  This past weekend some friends and I went to San Antonio and had a great time, but I was disturbed by how many homeless people I saw sleeping in doorways and wandering around with vacant eyes.

It is so easy to see past some of my blessings, because I receive them everyday.  Every day I eat, have a home to go to and a bed to sleep in.  If these things were taken away I wouldn’t know what to do.  However, I focus my time and energy on things that don’t matter as much.

What do you focus your time and energy on?

What are you thankful for?

Grateful Believer,

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