Welcome to CR@MRCC!

Welcome! Join us each Friday evening at MRCC in Fellowship Central. Dinner starts at 6:00 and worship starts at 7:00. We look forward to seeing you!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What To Expect At Your First CR Meeting

Each year our Celebrate Recovery ministry is blessed by growing numbers in the Fall!  School is back in session, people aren’t traveling as much, and our Divorce Care for Kids ministry starts back up – all of these things mean we have more folks on Friday nights at CR!  We love it!

 If you are new to recovery or to Celebrate Recovery, we understand that attending your first meeting can be intimidating (it was for us too!). Here's what you can expect the first time you attend our group at MRCC.

 {Before I do a breakdown of Friday nights, you should know we have CR each and every Friday night.  Rain or Shine. Christmas Eve, New Year Day, Day after Thanksgiving – it doesn’t matter, we’re always there!}

DINNER 6 pm 
This week we will move back to Fellowship Central until next Summer.  Yay!  (If you don't know where Fellowship Central is - enter MRCC on the south side of the building under the awning, it's large room when you walk through the doors!  You can't miss us.) We eat dinner in fellowship central, and the food is always awesome!  Dinner is FREE your first week, but after that it’s only $3 per person OR $5 for a family!  (Best deal in town!) You do not have to come to dinner to come to Celebrate Recovery, it’s optional.
 (At this point, ALL children attend FREE childcare that is provided. If it’s your first time, we will help you find where your kiddos need to go.)

LARGE GROUP: 7pm - 8pm
1.       Welcome & Worship - Both men and women gather in Fellowship Central to start the meeting. We like to get our hearts ready by singing a few worship songs together.  The leader will welcome the group as we get started for the evening.
 2.       8 Biblical Principles Read Aloud - An important part of the Celebrate Recovery program is learning and understanding the 12 Steps and 8 Principles. Two participants from our CR group will introduce themselves and read the 8 Principles aloud to the group.
 3.       Announcements – We have several different male CR participants that do announcements each week.  They will talk about our Newcomers 101 Class as well as talk about any other announcements that need to be made.
 4.       Recovery Recognition – We pass out recovery recognition chips (small coins that represent time in recovery, 24 hours, 1 month, 6 months etc) to those that are celebrating recovery in different areas of their lives.  A male and female CR participant will come to the front of the room and they hand out chips to those that raise their hands requesting one.  Don’t worry, you only get a chip if you raise your hand.  ; )
 5.       Lesson or Personal Testimony - Each Friday night we rotate between a lesson on one of the 12 Steps, or personal testimony. During the  lesson night the speaker will focus on one step as it relates to recovery. During a personal testimony, we invite our Celebrate Recovery participants (or guest speakers from other CR ministries) to share his/her personal story with us. Testimony nights can often be powerful and emotional, but may help you relate to others in recovery.
 6.       Serenity Prayer - Before breaking into open share groups, we will say the Serenity Prayer aloud together.

After the large group format, men and women separate into smaller groups to share on a more intimate level.
 For your first meeting, you will attend our Newcomers 101 Class with any other newcomers. Two CR leaders will explain the Celebrate Recovery program in more depth and answer any questions you may have. Men and women within the 101 class will then be separated into two groups and the leader of your group may ask you additional questions.

Fellowship is an important part of recovery, so after the open share groups we gather in Fellowship Central for snacks and to spend time getting to know one another. This is a great time to ask more questions and get to know others in your recovery group.

Obviously those of us that attend CR on a regular basis usually stay for each minute, from 6PM-10PM because we love it!  BUT some of us didn’t start out like that...LIKE ME!!  When I started coming, I came to large group and then jumped in my car and took off.   That’s okay, if that’s where you need to start.   It wasn’t until I started coming for a while that I realized I was seeing changes and if I stayed in open share, and got to know people….it was helping!  God was using this place on Friday nights to change me.  GO at your own pace!

If you’ve never been to Celebrate Recovery before we hope you’ll join us.  The hardest part is walking across the parking lot!   If you’ve been before, and you’re a regular who’s personally SEEN how God has used this program to change your life – who have you told lately?!?!  Tell someone about Him, and about how Friday nights has changed your life.

Grateful Believer,

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