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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Meet the Team & Principle 8

Hi, my name is Andrew and I am a grateful believer who struggles with same sex attraction and anger.

I serve Celebrate Recovery at Memorial Road Church of Christ as the E on the TEAM.  E stands for encourager.  I help plan special activities and events as well as handle set up for Common Grounds.  I also am responsible for encouraging our leaders and participants.  It is a great fit for me and something I love doing.

I’m here to talk about the last principle #8  -  Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words.  “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires.” Matthew 5:10

This is a tough one for me right now.  (I think it’s almost always the case when I am asked to do a lesson or write something, that more often than not it is something I’m having a hard time with at the moment).  I love the first part of this principle, “Yield myself to God to be used to bring this good news to others.”  Sounds great, doesn’t it?  Sounds nice and simple.  Then it gets difficult, “both by my example and by my words.”  This is a daily battle for me. 

I have a desire to do God’s will and I want to help others to have a relationship with God, but I am constantly surrounded by the world and find myself giving into temptations.  On my way to work I still get angry in traffic and sometimes don’t handle it well.  At work I am surrounded by gossip and it’s difficult not to join.  I constantly find myself not setting the example that I want to set. 

Like others have said, it’s important that you have worked the other seven principles as well.  Especially spending time with God daily and when doing so asking Him to help you yield yourself to His will.  Angi set up a great challenge last week- 90 meetings with God in 90 days!  Not a bad idea for all of us.  It is difficult to really yield ourselves to God for His use.  I would love to have more free time, I would love to have a girlfriend, but right now I am busy with opportunities that God has given me.  And you know what?  I love that too. 

Grateful Believer,

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